Friday, September 10, 2010

Vacation Bible School Was Awesome!

Thank you to all the Teachers & Support Staff that kicked off our August Vacation Bible School. Bro. Daniel our Children's Pastor was in the heart of it. Sis. Jolene was our Director. Sis. Michelle Barnes and team were the artists for the fabulous food that told the story of the lessons. Sam & Abbey Wu were a vital part of the team in many ways....arts, games, lessons...hard work. We had many great helpers and staff that we can't say enough about the results!!! I would love for you all to share your pictures on this blog. Add names to the list of those who helped to teach and assist.

1 comment:

  1. In the design display of the KidsWAV Chapel as well - Bro Chad Simmons, Sis Michelle Barnes, Sis Jennifer Cobb & Family and Sis Jolene Tannehill and kiddos.

    And, additional Teachers each week were: Stephanie Williams, Rudy Hernandez, Veronica Smith, Erica Smith, Zachary Cobb, Sara T, Sam & Abby Wu, Lynn Cole, Tiffany Braden, Michelle Barnes, Jennifer Barnes, Jacquelyn Gavin, Brandon Johnson, Jessica Smith, Logan Calvin, Ashley De Jesus, Victoria Compton, Caleb Johnson, and many other student help!
